Some tools around ChatGPT / OpenAI APIs

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The main part of my ChatGPT tools (available on Github) is a set of command line tools around most of the OpenAI API functions, starting from the swiss knife type tool chatgpt around the chat completion API featuring adding files, images, using dictation for prompting and chat on the command line, and going on to tools for text to speech, speech to text, image generation and more.

In addition to that there is a number of more or less interesting experiments and ChatGPT related toy web applications here, and I have some ChatGPT related bookmarklets - see below. (All this is hosted for your convenience here on There is also a Dictation App that uses the excellent OpenAI whisper API for speech recognition.

To install the bookmarklets in your browser, you can drag the following links into your bookmarks bar. Or you can right-click and copy the link, then add it as a bookmark manually. You can even try this on this page by clicking on it.

If you have problems, please contact me, Hans-Peter Störr. See also my other projects on Github, links to AI related projects and my blog.

Experiments and small ChatGPT related web applications

See here for a list.

ChatGPT Bookmarklet

This allows you to send the text of any page to ChatGPT for summarization. You can also ask any followup question on the content. It has growing functionality - see the help for details. See also my blog Reading with ChatGPT about this.

You'll need your own ChatGPT API key to run that, which you can get at After logging in there with your ChatGPT credentials, you can create an API key in the profile settings (top right corner) at "View API keys". Enter that in the field below. Don't worry - that is just put into the bookmarklet, not transmitted anywhere, except to OpenAI's API when using the bookmarklet.

Bookmarklet to drag: Enter a ChatGPT API Key first. (If you want a quick preview of the dialog, you can click here. However, that doesn't really work until you enter a working API key.)

Grab Styles Bookmarklet

This lets you select an element in the page and then copies out just that element and its subelements, and all CSS rules that apply to any of those. That way you can copy out the HTML and CSS needed to have ChatGPT answer questions about the CSS. Press 'h' to see the help. See also my blog entry Some experiences using ChatGPT to develop CSS for what this is good for.

Bookmarklet to drag: